
Ann Coleman is a ceramic artist with a creative passion and a unique perspective.

Born and raised in Calgary AB, Ann spent much of her time experimenting  with various mediums. Upon graduation from high school, she followed her heart to pursue a further education at Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design on Granville Island, Vancouver. This program fostered her growth as an artist and four years later, Ann graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts majoring in Visual Arts.

After completing her studies, she set off on a year long odyssey to explore the world. It was a year filled with adventure and inspiration, a perfect segue to the next phase of her life. When Ann arrived back in Canada, she decided to establish herself as a ceramic artist in Victoria, BC. Currently Ann is spending all of her time at her new studio, Yunomi, near the Bay St Bridge.

If you are interested in her work, please feel free to contact her at info@anncoleman.ca